USA Breakin Newsletter – October 2023 Your source for the latest updates and opportunities in the Breakin community of Breakers, A Lot of exciting things are going on in the world of Breakin, so far this year has shown itself to be

National Sports Organization – "USA Breakin’ advances the sport, while preserving the dance, art and cultural roots. We empower the athletes, and develop professionals.”
USA Breakin Newsletter – October 2023 Your source for the latest updates and opportunities in the Breakin community of Breakers, A Lot of exciting things are going on in the world of Breakin, so far this year has shown itself to be
“USABREAKIN: The Ultimate Showcase of Breakdancing Talent in the USA!” Introduction: Welcome to the electrifying world of breakdancing, where awe-inspiring flips, gravity-defying spins, and mind-boggling footwork combine to create a visual spectacle unlike any other. In the heart of the United States,
BATTLEWIRE_-_USABREAKIN UsaBreakin’ BattleWire event sponsored by Chispa. Join our online comp! Win $300 + Miami trip! If non-US breaker wins, they get $300. Top US scorer bags the Miami flight with
‼️VENUE UPDATE! VENUE HAS CHANGED‼️ Miami National Qualifier Event “ROAD TO PRO-AM” USA Breakin’ kick’s off its first official event of the #2022 season! Venue: SANDBAR: 6752 Collins Ave., Miami, FL 33141 Doors Open: 3pm to 8pm $10 ALL AGES EVENT! One